Книги 2007 DVD

Компьютерная литература


01.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N39.djvu

02.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N40.djvu

03.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N41.djvu

04.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N42.djvu

05.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N43.djvu

06.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N44.djvu

07.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N45.djvu

08.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N46.djvu

09.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N47.djvu

10.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N48.djvu

11.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N49.djvu

12.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N50.djvu

13.    ''Upgrade'',2004,N51.djvu

14.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N01.djvu

15.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N02.djvu

16.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N03.djvu

17.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N04.djvu

18.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N05.djvu

19.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N06.djvu

20.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N07.djvu

21.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N08.djvu

22.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N09.djvu

23.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N10.djvu

24.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N11.djvu

25.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N12.djvu

26.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N13.djvu

27.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N14.djvu

28.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N15.djvu

29.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N16-17.djvu

30.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N50.djvu

31.    ''Upgrade'',2005,N51-52.djvu

32.    ''Upgrade'',2006,N01.djvu

33.    (4Front).Open sound system (OSS) programmer's guide.v1.11.2000.pdf

34.    (Adobe).Web redesign 2.0 workflow that works.2004.chm

35.    (AI).Can somebody please explain DDE,ActiveX,OPC,and Visual Basic.pdf

36.    (Aleph).Guide to ARMLinux for developers.chm

37.    (Altera).Basic principles of signal integrity.pdf

38.    (Apple).The Objective-C programming language.2005.pdf

39.    (Artisoft).LANtastic v6.0.Руководство по установке и управлению.chm

40.    (Franz Inc).ANSI Common Lisp.2002.chm

41.    (microTips).Resistance brazing basics.pdf

42.    (MiTeX).Object messaging specification for the Modbus-TCP protocol.V1.0.1999.pdf

43.    (Motorola).Resetting microcontrollers during power transitions.pdf

44.    (Moxa).OPC server in automation.pdf

45.    (MS Press).Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 step by step.2003.chm

46.    (MS).Windows 2000 professional resource kit.2000.CHM

47.    (MSI).Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.1998.chm

48.    (MWST).Migrating from Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 to Windows Server 2003.A guide for small and medium organizations.2004.chm

49.    (NCC).Клиентский JavaScript.Руководство.1999.chm

50.    (NCSA).Intermediate UNIX training.pdf

51.    (NEC).Taping.pdf

52.    (NSC).A basic introduction to filters - active,passive and switched-capacitor.pdf

53.    (NSC).A fast locking scheme for PLL.pdf

54.    (OMI).Component Pascal language report.2005.pdf

55.    (OMS).Component Pascal language report.2001.pdf

56.    (On).Small signal bipolar,JFET transistors,diodes catalog 2001.PDF

57.    (ON).The one-transistor forward converter.PDF

58.    (O'Reilly).Open sources.Voices from the open source revolution.1999.chm

59.    (Panasonic).IEC61131-3 basics and PLCopen.pdf

60.    (Panasonic).Taping specifications for automatic insertion (mounting).pdf

61.    (PDG).PHP manual.2005.chm

62.    (Pentek).Digital receiver handbook.Basics of software radio.2003.pdf

63.    (Pericom).Clock basics.pdf

64.    (Philips).ATAPI-3610 command specification.v1.2.pdf

65.    (Philips).Basic feedback theory.pdf

66.    (Philips).Bipolar transistors for electronic lighting.pdf

67.    (Philips).Broadband impedance matching for S-band transistors.pdf

68.    (Philips).BUJ100 transistor in TO-92 suits all CCFL powers.pdf

69.    (Philips).Considerations on efficiency of the RF power transistors in the different classes of operation.pdf

70.    (Philips).Low Vcesat (BISS) transistors and low Vf shottky rectifiers for DC-DC converters.pdf

71.    (Philips).Low Vcesat (BISS) transistors and their applications.pdf

72.    (Philips).Medium power transistors and rectifiers for power management applications.pdf

73.    (Philips).Power amplifier design.pdf

74.    (Philips).PowerMOS transistors.Understanding the datasheet.pdf

75.    (Philips).References.pdf

76.    (Philips).RF & microwave power transistors.pdf

77.    (Philips).RF power transistor characteristics.pdf

78.    (Philips).RF wideband transistors.General.pdf

79.    (Philips).Small signal and medium power MOS transistors.Ideas for design.pdf

80.    (Philips).Small signal transistors.General.pdf

81.    (Philips).Symbols.pdf

82.    (Philips).Transmitting transistor design.pdf

83.    (Philips).Video transistors and modules for monitors marking,packaging.pdf

84.    (Z world).An introduction to TCP-IP for embedded system designers.2001.pdf

85.    (РАН).Программное обеспечение ядра контроллера.Язык Рефлекс.Описание языка.2002.pdf

86.    1.txt

87.    1С Бухгалтерия шаг за шагом.chm

88.    1С Предприятие 7.7. Книга по администрированию.zip

89.    1С Торговля. Руководство пользователя.zip

90.    3D Studio MAX для начинающего (i-html).zip

91.    adobe_illustrator_10.pdf

92.    ADSL.What is it.txt

93.    Aivazian T.Linux kernel 2.4 internals.2001.pdf

94.    Albitz P.DNS and BIND.2006.chm

95.    All about photoshop. изд. 2-ое.pdf

96.    apparatno-programnie_sredstva_karmannih_PC_KPK_.pdf

97.    Apperly H.Service- and component-based development.Using select perspective and UML.2003.chm

98.    Axo А.Структуры данных и алгоритмы.2003.djvu

99.    Banahan M.The C book.2003.chm

100.    Beekmans G.Linux from scratch (rus).v4.0.2002.chm

101.    Blandy J.Введение в CVS.html

102.    Boldyshev K.Linux assembly HOWTO.pdf

103.    Christiansen H.Using Prolog as metalanguage for teaching programming language concepts.pdf

104.    Cisco - Deploying IP Switching Protocols 312.pdf

105.    Cisco DQOS Exam Certification Guide.pdf

106.    Fraser B.Real world Adobe Photoshop CS2.Industrial-strength production techniques.2005.chm

107.    Giloi W.K.Konrad Zuse's Plankalkul.The first high-level,'non Von-Neumann' programming language.pdf

108.    Gite V.G.Linux shell scripting tutorial.2000.pdf

109.    GNU ARM assembler quick reference.pdf

110.    GNU assembler manual.pdf

111.    GNU scientific library (GSL) reference manual.V1.7.2005.chm

112.    Goikhman M.Introduction to Ruby for Perl programmers.2003.chm

113.    Goldberg A.Smalltalk-80.The interactive programming environment.1984.pdf

114.    Golden B.Succeeding with open source.2004.chm

115.    Golding M.Teach yourself Adobe Creative Suite 2 all in one.2005.chm

116.    Goldt S.The Linux programmer's guide.1995.pdf

117.    Goldt S.Руководство программиста для Linux.html

118.    Goncalves M.Firewalls complete.1997.chm

119.    Gonnet G.H.Handbook of algorithms and data structures.1990.chm

120.    Goodman D.JavaScript & DHTML cookbook.2003.chm

121.    Goodman D.JavaScript Bible.2001.pdf

122.    Google - эффективный поиск (Гусев, 2006).pdf

123.    Google Hacks.pdf

124.    Google эффектиный поиск.rar

125.    Gordon K.I.A management perspective of the J programming language.2004.chm

126.    Gordon M.Introduction to functional programming.1996.pdf

127.    Gosnell D.Beginning Visual Basic .NET database programming.2001.pdf

128.    Gourley D.HTTP.The definitive guide.2002.chm

129.    Gove D.Playing and recording sound in Delphi.htm

130.    Grabowski R.Learn AutoCAD LT 2002.2002.pdf

131.    Gradman M.Literate programming.pdf

132.    Gralla P.Creating Web pages.2005.chm

133.    Gralla P.Google search and tools in a snap.2006.chm

134.    Grant R.Linux for non-geeks.A hands-on,project-based,take-it-slow guidebook.2004.chm

135.    Gray J.E.Best of Ruby quiz.2006.pdf

136.    Greant Z.MySQL phrasebook.Essential code and commands.2006.chm

137.    Greant Z.PHP functions essential reference.2001.chm

138.    Greenfield L.The Linux users' guide.1996.pdf

139.    Greenfield L.Руководство пользователя Linux.1994.chm

140.    Griffith A.KDE 2-Qt programming bible.2001.pdf

141.    Groff J.R.SQL.The complete reference.1999.pdf

142.    Gruber W.Microsoft Windows Server 2003 deployment kit.Automating and customizing installations.2003.pdf

143.    Grundgeiger D.Programming Visual Basic .NET.2002.pdf

144.    Guelich S.CGI programming with Perl.2000.chm

145.    Guidelines for C++ program style.pdf

146.    Gutschmidt T.Game programming with Python,Lua,and Ruby.2003.chm

147.    GW-BASIC tokenised program format.mht

148.    Habibi M.Java regular expressions.Taming the java.util.regex engine.2004.chm

149.    Hacker Proof - Полное руководство по безопасности компьютера.pdf

150.    Hacker Proof полное руководство по безопасности компьютера.rar

151.    Hackers and Painters - Big Ideas from the Computer Age (2004).pdf

152.    Hacking Knoppix (Granneman, 2006).chm

153.    Hackworth J.R.Programmable logic controllers.Programming methods and applications.pdf

154.    Hall B.Using internet sockets.chm

155.    Hall C.The little Haskeller.pdf

156.    Hall J.Red Hat Linux Fedora for dummies.2004.chm

157.    Hall M.Windows sockets.An open interface for network programming under Microsoft Windows.V1.1.chm

158.    Hall M.Windows sockets.An open interface for network programming under Microsoft Windows.V1.1.pdf

159.    Hallberg S.M.Haskell - a wild ride.2004.pdf

160.    Halvorson M.Microsoft Visual Basic .NET step by step.2003.chm

161.    Hamilton B.Programming SQL Server 2005.2006.chm

162.    Hammond M.Python programming on Win32.2000.chm

163.    Han, Kamber - Data Mining.djvu

164.    Handley M.The World Wide Web - beneath the surf.1994.chm

165.    Hansen S.M.Mastering Excel 2003 programming with VBA.2004.pdf

166.    Hardware and Computer Organization - The Software Perspective (Berger, 2005).pdf

167.    Hardware Bible (Rosch, 2003).chm

168.    Harold E.R.XML 1.1 bible.2004.pdf

169.    Harold E.R.XML bible.1999.pdf

170.    Harold E.R.XML in a nutshell.2002.chm

171.    Harper R.Programming in standard ML.2005.rar

172.    Harper R.Programming languages.Theory and practice.2006.pdf

173.    Harper R.Type systems for programming languages.2000.pdf

174.    Harris S.Beginning algorithms.2006.pdf

175.    Harrouer - Настольная книга газетного дизайнера.pdf

176.    Hart J.M.Windows system programming.2004.rar

177.    Hart-Davis G.How to do everything with Microsoft Office Excel 2003.2003.pdf

178.    Hart-Davis G.Mastering Windows XP Home Edition.2005.pdf

179.    HASP. Руководство разработчика. Версия 11.pdf

180.    Hawkins S.Linux desk reference.2001.chm

181.    Hawley D.Excel hacks.2004.chm

182.    Hayes D.Teach yourself HTML in 10 minutes.2006.chm

183.    Hedrick C.L.Introduction to the Internet protocols.1987.pdf

184.    Heesch D.Doxygen 1.4.6 manual.2005.chm

185.    Heesch D.Doxygen 1.4.7 manual.chm

186.    Hehner E.C.A practical theory of programming.2005.rar

187.    Heidenstrom K.PC parallel port mini-FAQ.Rev 2.txt

188.    Heidenstrom K.Timing on the PC family under DOS.TXT

189.    Heimbigner D.Snobol3 language implementation in Java.html

190.    Hejlsberg A.The C-sharp programming language.2003.chm

191.    Hekmat S.C++ programming.1998.rar

192.    Help C++ Builder Rus.rar

193.    Heltzel P.Complete home wireless networking.Windows XP edition.2003.chm

194.    Henricson M.Industrial strength C++.1997.pdf

195.    Hibbs C.What is Ruby on Rails.2005.chm

196.    Hickey J.Introduction to the Objective Caml programming language.2002.pdf

197.    High voltage generator for flash and Geiger tubes.pdf

198.    Hightower R.Professional Java tools for extreme programming.2004.chm

199.    Hinds D.Linux PCMCIA HOWTO.2003.pdf

200.    Hinds D.Linux PCMCIA programmer's guide.2003.pdf

201.    History of Nordic Computing (Bubenko et al, 2003).pdf

202.    Hoare C.A.Hints on programming language design.1973.pdf

203.    Holzner S.Java after hours.10 projects you'll never do at work.2005.chm

204.    Holzner S.Visual Basic 6 black book.1998.pdf

205.    Horn J.W.MySQL essential skills.2004.chm

206.    Horton D.Pocket Linux guide.2005.pdf

207.    Horton I.Wrox press C++ tutorial.1998.chm

208.    How to Create Adobe pdf eBooks (2001).pdf

209.    Howland J.E.Functional programming and the J programming language.chm

210.    Howland J.E.Functional programming and the J programming language.pdf

211.    HP DeskJet 1220C. Руководство пользователя.pdf

212.    HP LaserJet 1100A.pdf

213.    HP LaserJet 1150,1300,1300n. Использование.rar

214.    HP LaserJet 1200. Руководство для пользователя.rar

215.    Hsiao A.Teach yourself Red Hat Fedora 4.2005.chm

216.    HTML 4.0 specification.chm

217.    HTML 4.0 для чайников.rar

218.    HTML в действии. МОРРИС, Б..rar

219.    HTML в примерах. Справочник по тегам.zip

220.    HTML для тех, кто в танке.rar

221.    HTML. Первые шаги (html).zip

222.    HTML. Экспресс-курс.rar

223.    HTML.ZIP

224.    htmlbook.ru. Архив сайта.rar

225.    Hudak P.A gentle introduction to Haskell.1999.pdf

226.    Hudak P.Haskell vs Ada vs C++ vs Awk vs ... An experiment in software prototyping productivity.pdf

227.    Hudson P.PHP in a nutshell.2005.chm

228.    Hughes J.Why functional programming matters.pdf

229.    Hunger S.Debian GNU-Linux Bible.2001.pdf

230.    Hungry.Minds.Tablet.PCs.For.Dummies.eBook-LiB.chm

231.    Hungry.Minds.UML.2.For.Dummies.READ.NFO.eBook-LiB.chm

232.    Hyde R.Linux system calls for HLA programmers.pdf

233.    Hyde R.The art of assembly language programming.1996.rar

234.    Hyde R.Writing Linux device drivers in assembly language.rar

235.    IBM PC XT. Техническое описание.rar

236.    IBPhoenix SQL statement and function reference.htm

237.    ICND-2004.pdf

238.    IEEE floating point format.pdf

239.    Ierusalimschy R.Programming in Lua.2003.chm

240.    Ierusalimschy R.Programming in Lua.2006.chm

241.    Illustrated TCPIP.pdf

242.    InDesign CS. Советы знатоков.zip

243.    INFINEON. Микроконтроллеры семейства C167.pdf

244.    Intel 80680 - архитектура и применение.rar

245.    Interfacing Sensors to the IBM PC (Tomkpin, Webster, 1988).djvu

246.    Intermediate Perl (Phoenix et al., 2006).chm

247.    Internet Routing Architectures 2nd Edition.pdf

248.    Internetwork Troubleshooting Guide.pdf

249.    Internetworking Case Studies.pdf

250.    Into Eiffel.pdf

251.    Intro to Data Mining.pdf

252.    Intro to Numerical Analysis.djv

253.    Introduction to Algorithms (Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein, 2001).pdf

254.    Introduction to Cable Technology.pdf

255.    Introduction to expert systems.rar

256.    Introduction to statistics through resampling methods and Microsoft Office Excel (Good, 2005).pdf

257.    Introductory experiments in digital electronics.8080a microcomputer programming and interfacing.pdf

258.    Intrusion Detection Planning Guide.pdf

259.    Inventor 9.0. Ознакомительный практический курс.rar

260.    IP Telephony Design.pdf

261.    IPPhone Solutions.pdf

262.    iProlog programmer's manual.chm

263.    ip-telephony.djvu

264.    IP-телефония. Издание 2-е.rar

265.    IP-телефония.zip

266.    ISA Server 2004.rar

267.    ISO 8859-1 graphical characters.txt

268.    ISO,IEC 10279-1991 standard.Full Basic.pdf

269.    ISO,IEC 9899 TC2 standard.Programming language C.2005.pdf

270.    ISO,IEC1539-1.Fortran-2000 draft standard.pdf

271.    ISO10206 standard.Extended Pascal.1991.pdf

272.    ISO10206 standard.Extended Pascal.1991.txt

273.    ISO14882 standard.C++.1998.pdf

274.    ISO7185 standard.Pascal.1990.pdf

275.    ISO-IEC 9899-1999 - Programming languages C.pdf

276.    ita.pdf

277.    IT-безопасность - стоит ли рисковать корпорацией.zip

278.    Ivens K.Windows Server 2003.The complete reference.2003.pdf

279.    IZone FAQ.chm

280.    J2ME in a Nutshell (O'Reilly).pdf

281.    J2ME Java in small things (Manning).pdf

282.    J2ME Step by Step.pdf

283.    Janert P.K.Data visualization using Perl-Tk.pdf

284.    Jang M.Red Hat certified engineer (RHCE) Linux study guide (exam RH302).2004.chm

285.    Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME).zip

286.    Java Lections.rar

287.    Java programmers FAQ (rus).1999.txt

288.    Java.rar

289.    JAVA-JavaThreadProgramming-Sams.chm

290.    JavaScript language specification.V1.1.pdf

291.    JavaScript в web-дизайне.rar

292.    JavaScript и DHTML. Сборник рецептов.rar

293.    JavaScript наглядный курс создания динамических web-страниц.rar

294.    JavaScript. Энциклопедия пользователя.rar

295.    JDKTM 5.0 Documentation.rar

296.    Jeffries R.Extreme programming installed.pdf

297.    John K.H.IEC61131-3.Programming industrial automation systems.2001.pdf

298.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Auditing.Information.Systems.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm

299.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.E-learning.Tools.And.Technologies.eBook-LiB.pdf

300.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Essentials.Of.Managing.Corporate.Cash.eBook-LiB.chm

301.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Essentials.Of.Payroll.Management.And.Accounting.eBook-LiB.chm

302.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Ethics.For.CPAs.Meeting.Expectations.In.Challenging.Times.eBook-LiB.chm

303.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Managing.Cash.Flow.An.Operational.Focus.eBook-LiB.chm

304.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Managing.The.Audit.Function.3rd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm

305.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Mastering.Resin.eBook-LiB.chm

306.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.MySQL.Enterprise.Solutions.eBook-LiB.pdf

307.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Programming.With.Objects.eBook-LiB.chm

308.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.SQL.Bible.eBook-LiB.chm

309.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.The.US.History.Cookbook.eBook-LiB.pdf

310.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.The.Web.Testing.Companion.eBook-LiB.chm

311.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Where.The.Germs.Are.eBook-LiB.pdf

312.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Wiley.IAS.2003.Interpretation.and.Application.Of.International.Accounting.Sta.chm

313.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Wiley.Not-for-Profit.Accounting.Field.Guide.2003.eBook-LiB.chm

314.    John.Wiley.And.Sons.Windows.Server.2003.For.Dummies.eBook-LiB.chm

315.    Johnson B.Inside Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003.chm

316.    Johnson L.Developing graphical user interfaces with FXRuby.2005.chm

317.    Johnson L.Experimenting with the PicBasic Pro compiler.2000.rar

318.    Jones D.W.Encryption as an introductory programming exercise.chm

319.    Jones M.T.GNU Linux application programming.2005.chm

320.    Jones S.P.Haskell 98 language and libraries.The revised report.pdf

321.    Jones.And.Barlett.Publishers.Essentials.Of.Computer.Organization.And.Architecture.eBook-LiB.pdf

322.    Jones.And.Bartlett.Publishers.Computing.With.C.Sharp.And.The.Dot.NET.Framework.eBook-LiB.chm

323.    Jones.And.Bartlett.Publishers.Foundations.Of.Algorithms.Using.Cpp.Pseudocode.3rd.Edition.eBook-Li.chm

324.    Jones.And.Bartlett.Publishers.The.Essentials.Of.Computer.Organization.And.Architecture.eBook-LiB.chm

325.    Jongerius J.Writing bug-free C code.2005.chm

326.    Josey A.UnixWare FAQ (general).V2.12.1997.txt

327.    Josey A.UnixWare FAQ (miscellaneous troubleshooting).V2.15.1997.txt

328.    Josuttis N.C++ standard library.A tutorial and reference.1999.chm

329.    Joy W.Berkeley Pascal user's manual.1986.pdf

330.    Joy W.N.UNIX Pascal user's manual.1977.pdf

331.    Joyner I.A critique of C++.1992.pdf

332.    JPEG file interchange format (JFIF).V1.02.txt

333.    Just for fun - рассказ нечаянного революционера (Линус Торвальдс, Дэвид Даймод ).doc

334.    Kabir M.J.Apache server 2 bible.pdf

335.    Kabir M.J.Secure PHP development.Building 50 practical applications.2003.pdf

336.    Kacofegitis A.Theme-based literate programming.pdf

337.    Kaczmarek S.D.Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 administrator's companion.2004.chm

338.    Kai's Power Tools 3 (doc).zip

339.    Karasakal O.An implementation of peak observer based self-tuning fuzzy PID-type controller on PLC.pdf

340.    Karlins D.How to do everything with Adobe Illustrator CS.2003.pdf

341.    Kaspersky Administration Kit. Руководство пользователя.rar

342.    Kaspersky K.Hacker disassembling uncovered.2003.chm

343.    Kauler B.Windows assembly language & systems programming.1997.pdf

344.    Kaustub D.A comparison of object oriented scripting languages.Python and Ruby.pdf

345.    Kehoe B.P.Zen and the art of the Internet.A beginner's guide to the Internet.1992.chm

346.    Kehoe B.P.Zen and the art of the Internet.A beginner's guide to the Internet.1992.pdf

347.    Kelly_Murdock_3dsmax5.rar

348.    Kemper M.AdvancED Flash interface design.2006.pdf

349.    Kennedy B.HTML & XHTML.The definitive guide.2002.chm

350.    Kent J.C++ demystified.A self-teaching guide.2004.chm

351.    Keogh J.Data structures demystified.2004.chm

352.    Kerio Winroute Firewall 6.0.8. Руководство пользователя.rar

353.    Kerman P.Teach yourself Macromedia Flash 8 in 24 hours.2005.chm

354.    Kernigan B.W.Why Pascal is not my favorite programming language.1981.pdf

355.    Kernighan B.W.The C Programming Language.2nd ed.pdf

356.    Kernighan B.W.The practice of programming.1999.djvu

357.    Khnaser E.N.MCSE Designing security for a Windows Server 2003 network exam 70-298 study guide.2004.chm

358.    Kim E.E.CGI programming unleashed.1996.chm

359.    Kimmel P.Visual Basic .NET unleashed.2002.chm

360.    King K.SQL tips and techniques.2002.chm

361.    Kipp H.GCC-AVR inline assembler cookbook.V1.6.pdf

362.    Kirch O.Linux network administrator's guide.2000.chm

363.    Kirtland M.Designing component-based applications.1998.chm

364.    Klimas P.Руководство новичка - администратора Linux.chm

365.    Knaggs P.Literate programming in Forth.1995.pdf

366.    Knasmuller M.Reverse literate programming.pdf

367.    Knudsen J.B.Java cryptography.1998.rar

368.    Knuth D.E.Structured programming with go to statements.1974.pdf

369.    Knuth D.E.The art of computer programming fascicles.rar

370.    Knuth D.Literate programming.pdf

371.    Kofler M.Definitive guide to Excel VBA.2003.chm

372.    Komputer v Matematicheskom Issledovanii.djv

373.    Kovsky S.Absolute beginners guide to Microsoft Windows XP Media Center.2003.chm

374.    Krishnaswami N.d2c API reference.chm

375.    Krogdahl S.The birth of Simula.pdf

376.    Krol E.The hitchhikers guide to the Internet.1987.txt

377.    Kuhnel C.BASCOM.Programming of microcontrollers with ease.2001.pdf

378.    Kuliniewicz P.Windows API reference.2001.chm

379.    Kyle L.Essential Flash 5 for web professionals.2001.pdf

380.    LaBarzh_-_DVD_avtoring_i_proizvodstvo.djvu

381.    LabVIEW 7 - справочник по функциям (Суранов, 2005).pdf

382.    LabVIEW advanced programming techniques (Bitter, Mohiuddin, Nawrocki, 2001).pdf

383.    LabVIEW digital signal processing (Clark, 2005).pdf

384.    LabView для новичков и специалистов (Пейч, Точилин, Поллак, 2004).djvu

385.    LabView и Switch-технология (Вавилов, 2005).pdf

386.    Lai R.J2EE platform Web services.2003.chm

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